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Our data-driven approach consists of mining data to uncover valuable insights that help our clients make informed decisions. Once we identify these insights, we help our clients monitor them to track their performance and improve as needed. We also help our clients establish and maintain effective data governance practices to ensure data quality, security, and compliance (see our Data & Information Governance service). Finally, we use this assessment to help our clients optimize their business processes using machine learning techniques.
Our capabilities include the analysis of business requirements in order to design and develop reporting, interactive dashboarding, and data visualization solutions.
Our Analytics capabilities include Statistics and Data Mining to uncover insights and the execution of AI and ML strategies to optimize business processes.
Defining ML framework for Data Office duties: implementing a robust machine learning strategy to optimize various functions within a data office (data quality, lineage, and reconciliation).
Defining AI-powered data quality models: develop a set of solutions to assess and monitor data quality. Exploring new data visualization techniques: creating interactive dashboards and experimenting with novel graphic design principles to effectively convey data-driven narratives.
Standardize set of KPIs for Chief Risk Officers: identifying relevant risk metrics, ensuring consistency in their calculation, developing consistent data models, and aligning interactive dashboarding and visualization solutions with the organization's risk appetite and strategic objectives.
Arrayo’s team of seasoned project consultants and SMEs bring extensive industry experience and a deep understanding of the intricacies involved in managing projects, in particular in the data, risk, finance, and compliance domains.
Arrayo’s Data & Information Governance team supports financial institutions in the development of their Information Governance (IG) strategy and Enterprise Data Management (EDM) framework including the requisite policies, procedures, guidelines, and standards.
At Arrayo, we understand that many organizations struggle to harness the power of machine learning (ML) due to the challenge of identifying viable business cases. Our AI Strategy service offering is designed to solve this by providing a comprehensive solution for businesses seeking to leverage ML for sustainable growth.
Arrayo specializes in delivering data-driven regulatory, risk and compliance services, leveraging automation, advanced analytics, and quantitative analysis to support financial institutions in navigating the complex regulatory landscape.
© SteepConsult, Inc. dba Arrayo All Rights Reserved
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