Case Study

Leveraging AI for Migrating Dashboards from Tableau to Power BI

Arrayo was engaged by a leading international bank to utilize AI in supporting the migration of dashboards from Tableau to Power BI.


In the banking sector, dashboards are essential for making informed decisions. Continuing our work with the same leading bank, we aimed to further streamline the migration from Tableau to Power BI using AI. While our initial project significantly reduced manual effort in data transformation, recreating complex visuals in Power BI remained labor-intensive and time-consuming due to the manual drag-and-drop activity required. The client wanted to minimize manual work even further by automating the visual creation process. The main challenges we faced included:

  • Manual Recreation of Visuals: Each visual element from the Tableau dashboards had to be manually rebuilt in Power BI through drag-and-drop, which was time-consuming given the complexity and volume of visuals.
  • Complex Visual Parameters: Tableau workbooks contain intricate properties, parameters, and customizations within their visuals. Translating these elements accurately into Power BI required detailed understanding and meticulous effort.
  • Design Consistency: Ensuring a consistent look and feel between the Tableau and Power BI dashboards was crucial for user adoption. Any discrepancies could lead to confusion and diminish trust in the dashboards.
  • Technical Constraints: Tableau workbooks are stored as XML configuration files, while Power BI expects visuals to be defined in JSON format. Converting complex visual configurations from XML to the specific JSON structure required by Power BI presented a significant technical hurdle.


To tackle these challenges and further reduce manual effort, we extended our AI-driven migration process to automate the creation of visuals in Power BI. Here’s how we did it:

  • Extraction of Visual Parameters from Tableau XML:
    • Accessing Tableau XML Files: We began by accessing the Tableau workbooks saved as XML files. These files contain all the details of the dashboards, including data sources, calculations, and visual specifications.
    • Extracting Visual Properties using Python: Utilizing Python and open-source libraries, we parsed the XML files to extract all relevant visual parameters. This included chart types, data bindings, formatting styles, filters, calculated fields, and interactive behaviors. Python’s efficiency and flexibility allowed us to handle the complex XML structures effectively
  • Generative AI Conversion to Power BI JSON:
    • Defining Power BI JSON Schema: We provided the generative AI model with the specific JSON schema expected by Power BI to ensure compatibility. This schema outlined the required structure, property names, and data types.
    • AI-Powered Translation: We fed the extracted visual parameters from the Tableau XML into the generative AI. The AI model converted them into JSON code structured according to Power BI’s specifications, mapping Tableau visual properties to their Power BI equivalents and handling complex transformations.
  • Automated Visual Creation in Power BI:
    • Importing JSON Files: Using the AI-generated JSON files, we automated the creation of visuals in Power BI without manual configuration.
    • Applying Styles and Themes: We applied styles, color schemes, and formatting extracted from the Tableau visuals to the Power BI dashboards to maintain a consistent look and feel.
    • Implementing Interactive Features: Interactive elements such as tooltips, drill-through actions, and dynamic filters were configured automatically based on the parameters defined in the JSON files.
  • Validation and Testing:
    • Result Comparison: We compared the outputs of each created field and formula in Power BI with their counterparts in Tableau to ensure that calculations and data representations were accurate.
    • Visual Inspection: The visuals were compared visually between Tableau and Power BI to check for consistency in appearance and functionality.


Implementing AI for automated visual creation delivered significant additional value to both the client and our team. Here are the key benefits:

  • Further Reduced Manual Effort:
    • Efficiency Gains: By automating the visual creation process, we reduced manual workload by an additional 70%, allowing our team to focus on refining analytics and enhancing user experience.
    • Accelerated Migration Timeline: The overall project timeline was shortened, enabling quicker deployment and faster realization of benefits.
  • Increased Accuracy and Consistency:
    • High-Fidelity Visuals: Using the exact parameters from the Tableau XML files, the AI ensured that the visuals in Power BI closely matched the originals, preserving the integrity of the dashboards.
    • Uniform Dashboards: Automated processes eliminated discrepancies that could arise from manual recreation, ensuring consistency and reliability across all dashboards.
  • Cost Savings:
    • Resource Optimization: The significant reduction in manual effort translated into lower labor costs and better utilization of skilled resources.
    • Scalability: The AI-driven approach provided a scalable solution for future migrations or updates, offering long-term cost benefits.

By extending our AI capabilities to automate the creation of visuals (eliminating the need for manual drag-and-drop activities), we significantly enhanced the efficiency and effectiveness of the dashboard migration process from Tableau to Power BI for our client, building upon our initial success in automating data transformation and design guidelines to offer a comprehensive solution that addressed all aspects of the migration, further reducing manual effort, increasing accuracy, and delivering tangible business value.

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